Monday, November 08, 2010


Like most people the short days and cold temperatures seem to put a damper on life when it comes to fall and winter. You find yourself in seasonal funk.

I've noticed that over the past few years without fail I find myself in that funk. Sleepy, cold, non-motivated and hermit like.

Two years ago I combated this problem with running and training for a half-marathon. Last year I combated it with diet.

This year I decided to combat such issues with writing and fitness.

A couple of weeks ago while In New York visiting family, we ventured to the local gym. While on that visit I met a really neat man who was a pleasant and semi-retired. This gentleman witnessed the grimace look of agony on my face while attempting sit-ups on the workout machine. He approached me minutes later and challenged me to five push ups. I got down and gave him five. He told me to add two everyday and pretty soon I would be surprised by the results.

So a couple of weeks later after adding some here and there I'm up to fifty push ups total in the day and thirty something consecutively. Not a lot but it's been fun to challenge myself and keep my mind active with challenge during this time of year in which my mind often finds itself afraid of challenge and wandering in the abyss of woe.

I hope that you will take advantage of the warmer days for a brisk walk, the local gym or even by dropping down and giving me five.

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